I am trying to prepare a report detailing all jobs entered into program sorted by customer and then by project name. Also produce a report for total products for all projects in database.
I am able to create diferent classess (Component) for all my formular product calculations and then reference them to my applications and when done, store them back to the database.
However, I seem to struggle when I need to call and accurately display my reports. My application simply explodes at runtime. What am I doing wrong?
Do you think I should rather call it and display it in another component tool, may be?
I am still very new to VB .NET
Below is my entire project:
(Create a user friendly form that gathers the following information:
Customer Name, Address, email etc....:
Project name:
Project Address:
Then, a interface that gathers the following information:
foundation width in mm
foundation height in mm
foundation length in mm
wall thickness : 115mm, 230mm or 280mm
Wall height
Then calculate the following and present on a well designed 'results' page that reports the following information (option to print must also be available):
Customer Name and contact details:
Project Name:
Paint required: formula for undercoat = ((wall length input in meters* wall height input in meters * 2)/9)* 5 will return the amount of 5Lt tins of undercoat required
formula for topcoat = ((wall length input in meters * wall height input in meters * 2)/9)* 10 will return the amount of 5Lt tins of topcoat required
Cement Required: formula for foundation = (foundation width in meters * foundation height in meters * foundation length in meters) / 9 will return the amount of 50Kg bags of cement required
The program must be able to accept various jobs for different customers and store these in a database
Prepare a report detailing all jobs entered into program sorted by customer and then by project name. Also produce a report for total amount of cement and paint quoted on for all projects in database.)
Please, help!
South Africa