Hi, I need to create a visual basic program that does all the functions of the calculator program in windows. I need to be able to make the program display the keys pressed by the user on the keypad (only the numbers 0 - 9) and it should also still be able to do the functions even though the numbers were inputted through the keypad and not through the buttons on the calculator, so far Ive been able to create all the functions except the square root and negative sign, i can do that on my own but I would really appreciate some help on this, I was researching and saw this function called "Keypress" but I don't know how to use it, I just started learning VB 2 days ago, I'm surprised my teacher gave us such a difficult task in only our second meeting, but oh well what can I do. How do I go about doing this, please tell me what functions I should research on, and can you also please explain those functions so I will have an Idea on how to use them. Here is my code.

Option Explicit
Dim Op1, Op2
Dim DecimalFlag As Integer
Dim NumOps As Integer
Dim LastInput
Dim OpFlag
Dim TempReadOut
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
    Readout = Format(0, "0.")
    Op1 = 0
    Op2 = 0
End Sub
Private Sub ClearEntry_Click()
    Readout = Format(0, "0.")
    DecimalFlag = False
    LastInput = "CE"
End Sub
Private Sub Decimal_Click()
    If LastInput = "NEG" Then
        Readout = Format(0, "-0.")
    ElseIf LastInput <> "NUMS" Then
        Readout = Format(0, "0.")
    End If
    DecimalFlag = True
    LastInput = "NUMS"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
    DecimalFlag = False
    NumOps = 0
    LastInput = "NONE"
    OpFlag = " "
    Readout = Format(0, "0.")
End Sub
Private Sub Number_Click(Index As Integer)
    If LastInput <> "NUMS" Then
        Readout = Format(0, ".")
        DecimalFlag = False
    End If
    If DecimalFlag Then
        Readout = Readout + Number(Index).Caption
        Readout = Left(Readout, InStr(Readout, Format(0, ".")) - 1) + Number(Index).Caption + Format(0, ".")
    End If
    If LastInput = "NEG" Then Readout = "-" & Readout
    LastInput = "NUMS"
End Sub
Private Sub Operator_Click(Index As Integer)
    TempReadOut = Readout
    If LastInput = "NUMS" Then
        NumOps = NumOps + 1
    End If
    Select Case NumOps
        Case 0
        If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And LastInput <> "NEG" Then
            Readout = "-" & Readout
            LastInput = "NEG"
        End If
        Case 1
        Op1 = Readout
        If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And LastInput <> "NUMS" And OpFlag <> "=" Then
            Readout = "-"
            LastInput = "NEG"
        End If
        Case 2
        Op2 = TempReadOut
        Select Case OpFlag
            Case "+"
                Op1 = CDbl(Op1) + CDbl(Op2)
            Case "-"
                Op1 = CDbl(Op1) - CDbl(Op2)
            Case "*"
                Op1 = CDbl(Op1) * CDbl(Op2)
            Case "/"
                   Op1 = CDbl(Op1) / CDbl(Op2)
            Case "="
                Op1 = CDbl(Op2)
            Case "%"
                Op1 = CDbl(Op1) * CDbl(Op2)
            End Select
        Readout = Op1
        NumOps = 1
    End Select
    If LastInput <> "NEG" Then
        LastInput = "OPS"
        OpFlag = Operator(Index).Caption
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Percent_Click()
    Readout = Readout / 100
    LastInput = "Ops"
    OpFlag = "%"
    NumOps = NumOps + 1
    DecimalFlag = True
End Sub

Private Sub Readout_Change()

End Sub

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All 4 Replies

Use Form_KeyDown event

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'make sure KeyPreview is True on Form Properties
  On Error Resume Next
  Select Case KeyCode
    Case vbKey 'Then Find which key you want to use from the list below
        'Code to run when key is pressed
  End Select
End Sub

List of every key on the keyboard:
vbKeyLButton Left Mouse Button
vbKeyRButton Right Mouse Button
vnKeyCancel Cancel Key
vbKeyMButton Middle Mouse button
vbKeyBack Back Space Key
vbKeyTab Tab Key
vbKeyClear Clear Key
vbKeyReturn Enter Key
vbKeyShift Shift Key
vbKeyControl Ctrl Key
vbKeyMenu Menu Key
vbKeyPause Pause Key
vbKeyCapital Caps Lock Key
vbKeyEscape Escape Key
vbKeySpace Spacebar Key
vbKeyPageUp Page Up Key
vbKeyPageDown Page Down Key
vbKeyEnd End Key
vbKeyHome Home Key
vbKeyLeft Left Arrow Key
vbKeyUp Up Arrow Key
vbKeyRight Right Arrow Key
vbKeyDown Down Arrow Key
vbKeySelect Select Key
vbKeyPrint Print Screen Key
vbKeyExecute Execute Key
vbKeySnapshot Snapshot Key
vbKeyInsert Insert Key
vbKeyDelete Delete Key
vbKeyHelp Help Key
vbKeyNumlock Delete Key

vbKeyA through vbKeyZ are the key code constants for the alphabet
vbKey0 through vbKey9 are the key code constants for numbers
vbKeyF1 through vbKeyF16 are the key code constants for the function keys
vbKeyNumpad0 through vbKeyNumpad9 are the key code constants for the numeric key pad

Math signs are:
vbKeyMultiply - Multiplication Sign (*)
vbKeyAdd - Addition Sign (+)
vbKeySubtract - Minus Sign (-)
vbKeyDecimal - Decimal Point (.)
vbKeyDivide - Division sign (/)
vbKeySeparator - Enter (keypad) sign

Attached is a calculator app I have done quite a while agos. It covers more functions like sqr root etc.

By using the keypress event, look at the attachment to get the ascii character for the key pressed and use that in your code i.e. -

If KeyAscii = 50 Then
   If txtNumber.Text = "" Then
       txtNumber.Text = "2"
    txtNumber.Text = txtNumber.Text & "2"
End If
'Remember to check for txtNumber NOT to be empty

Hope this help solving your problem...

Um... you could try the onkeypress() event handler? Just Google for number codes.

I mean onkeypres()

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