Any forward error correction (FEC) implementation in C++? i need it for my project. i converted character into ascii value then converting them into binary i need to append error correcting bits.
i m doing my project in vc++. following is part of my code:

array< array< int >^ >^	chartobin(array<Char>^arr,int length,int imgsize1)
				//converts entered characters into binary n stores in message array
				int ascii; 
				array< array< int >^ >^ messag= gcnew array< array< int >^ >(imgsize1);
				 for(int i=0;i<imgsize1;i++)
					 messag[i] = gcnew array<int>(8);
				for(int x= 0;x<length;x++)       
						ascii =(int) arr[x]; 
						int* binary_reverse = new int [9];   
						int* binary = new int [9];
						int y = 0;    
						while(ascii != 1)    
							if(ascii % 2 == 0)			//if ascii is divisible by 2
								binary_reverse[y] = 0;   //then put a zero
							else if(ascii % 2 == 1)		//if it isnt divisible by 2
								binary_reverse[y] = 1;   //then put a 1
							ascii /= 2;    
						if(ascii == 1)    //when ascii is 1, we have to add 1 to the beginning
							binary_reverse[y] = 1;
						if(y < 8)  //add zeros to the end of string if not 8 characters (1 byte)
							for(; y < 8; y++)  //add until binary_reverse[7] (8th element)
								binary_reverse[y] = 0;
						for(int z = 0; z < 8; z++)  //our array is reversed. put the numbers in the rigth order (last comes first)
							binary[z] = binary_reverse[7 - z];
						for(int z = 0; z < 8; z++)
						delete [] binary_reverse;     //free the memory created by dynamic mem. allocation
						delete [] binary;
				return messag;

now by taking messag[x][z]=binary[z] i need to append error correcting bits. i need it urgently.pls help..

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