ITGuy2010 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, I am trying a better way to write what I have coded below, the idea is I have a one dimensional array with set values and a rectangular array that gets the number of items entered each into a text box.
1. Is there a simpler way to get the value from the text boxes without coding each location individually? ex. SoldItems(0, 0) = CInt(txtS1I1.Text)
2. How would I multiply both arrays together if I were to put them in a function?
ex. the first row location * 12D, the first row, second location * 17.95, and so on. then start over with the second and third rows.
-Thanks for any help!

Public Class frmTotalDailySales
    Dim ItemCost() As Decimal = {12D, 17.95D, 95D, 86.5D, 78D}
    Dim SoldItems(2, 4) As Integer 

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

        Dim strItemsSold As String = ""
        For i As Integer = 0 To SoldItems.GetLength(0) - 1
            For j As Integer = 0 To SoldItems.GetLength(1) - 1
                SoldItems(0, 0) = CInt(txtS1I1.Text)
                SoldItems(0, 1) = CInt(txtS1I2.Text)
                SoldItems(0, 2) = CInt(txtS1I3.Text)
                SoldItems(0, 3) = CInt(txtS1I4.Text)
                SoldItems(0, 4) = CInt(txtS1I5.Text)
                SoldItems(1, 0) = CInt(txtS2I1.Text)
                SoldItems(1, 1) = CInt(txtS2I2.Text)
                SoldItems(1, 2) = CInt(txtS2I3.Text)
                SoldItems(1, 3) = CInt(txtS2I4.Text)
                SoldItems(1, 4) = CInt(txtS2I5.Text)
                SoldItems(2, 0) = CInt(txtS3I1.Text)
                SoldItems(2, 1) = CInt(txtS3I2.Text)
                SoldItems(2, 2) = CInt(txtS3I3.Text)
                SoldItems(2, 3) = CInt(txtS3I4.Text)
                SoldItems(2, 4) = CInt(txtS3I5.Text)

                strItemsSold &= SoldItems(i, j) & vbTab
            strItemsSold &= vbCrLf & vbCrLf

        MessageBox.Show(strItemsSold, "Daily Sales Revenue")