i m using widos 7 64 bit home edition
and want to use borlandC++ taht is not supported by 64bit OS so
i install DOSBOX0.74 and try use borlnad in it but seems to me not working as it firstly dosbox can not able to initialize some of it file after that i ve download tuboc++ although ide open this time but when i try to run code it will through me out of the dosbox ,..,,
okiee after telling all my tragic story i wanna kno that is ther any way possible to run my code in borlandc compiler on windos 7 and what is this linker error

Doesn't Borland have newer products like CodeGear RAD Studio and C++ Builder 2010, now from "embarcadero" at www.embarcadero.com. I think those allow you to take old VCL/CLX applications and port them to the newest library versions. Of course, these have a big price tag too! Visual C++ Express and Code::Blocks are free of course.

I used to love working with Borland products, far better than Microsoft solutions. I used to love being able to compile 40 kLOC projects in a less than 5 seconds with the Borland compiler instead of waiting half-an-hour for the Microsoft compiler to do the same job. Not to mention VCL and great code completion and other programming aids that are very productive in the Borland IDEs. So I understand that you want to stick with that, but don't try and compile stuff on IDE/compilers that are too outdated, it's not a good idea (there's a good reason why they crash or do weird things when you try).

Doesn't Borland have newer products like CodeGear CodeGear RAD Studio and C++ Builder 2010, now from "embarcadero" at www.embarcadero.com. I think those allow you to take old VCL/CLX applications and port them to the newest library versions. Of course, these have a big price tag too! Visual C++ Express and Code::Blocks are free of course.,.,..,.,,.

thanks mike
i ve tried to istall that RAD Studio and C++ Builder 2010 but it is not available for free and i jst ve download the trial version ,..,,.hope it would help me ,...ther is any to way get for free bcause m a student and cant afford huge(for me) amount
ur right vs is slow and its not frindly tooo complicated for me to handle,.,..,

Well, there are always ways on the internet to get things like that for free.. but it's not very legal... these are the things I call "extended student discounts" to make it morally acceptable.. but still, illegal.. so I can't recommend anything.

In which way i have to c++ on windows 7 64 bit

In which way i have to c++ on windows 7 64 bit

hi.... man i've been searching for this very long,.,.;)but still couldn't totally succeeded yet ,..bt for ur sake here is what u may possibly can a solution (not exactly:D)try try dosbox 0.74 its kind a emulator wihch may some of your c++ code (not all) let give ur self a try ... n if you find any other way to run c++ on 64 bit machine then plz do reply me

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