I have a question that i have to solve and that is to create a program that will calculate the surface are of somebodies body, then to calculate how much sunscreen they will need to cover their entire body using functions. This is what i have so far but i am ver lost and confused into what i need to do to get this program to work. can anyone help?

'''program to determine a persons surface area'''
def main():
height = float (raw_input ("How tall are you (cms?) ? "))
weight = float (raw_input ("How much do you weigh (kgs) ? "))
surfaceArea = (weight*o.423**height*0.725)0.007184
print "Your surafce area is %0.3f sq metres" % surfaceArea

You just need to now how much lotion you need sy square centimeter and apply to that surface.

But first, what is suposed that number to do?

def main():
    '''program to determine a persons surface area'''

    height = float (raw_input ("How tall are you (cms?) ? "))
    weight = float (raw_input ("How much do you weigh (kgs) ? "))
    surfaceArea = (weight*o.423**height*0.725)[B]0.007184[/B]
    print "Your surafce area is %0.3f sq metres" % surfaceArea


i looked up the formula to calculate surface are of a body and that was the formula it said to use. It could be very wrong.. can u help.. im struggling big time with this one

surfaceArea = 0.007184 * (weight ** .425) * (height ** .725)

If the weight is kg and the height in cm, your surfaceArea wil be in square meters.

Cheers and Happy coding

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