mcupryk 0 Newbie Poster

I have the following two functions. My goal is to highlight a row in a
datagrid and delete a row. Problem arises when I click on the delete button.
Below are two sub routines for DoDelete. Which route should I go with?
I have created stored procedure for deleting the row as well.
Any help would be greatful.

Private Sub highLightRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

        Dim pt = New Point(e.X, e.Y)
        Dim grd As DataGrid = CType(sender, DataGrid)
        Dim hit As DataGrid.HitTestInfo = grd.HitTest(pt)

        If hit.Type = grd.HitTestType.Cell Then
            grd.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(hit.Row, hit.Column)
            RowNum = hit.Row

            PolicyNumber = Convert.ToString(grd.Item(RowNum, 1))
            TransCodeOrig = Convert.ToString(grd.Item(RowNum, 2))
            TransEffDate = Convert.ToString(grd.Item(RowNum, 3))
            ModifiedUID = Convert.ToString(grd.Item(RowNum, 7))
        End If
    End Sub
Public Sub DoDelete()
        Dim bm As BindingManagerBase = Me.DataGrid1.BindingContext(Me.DataGrid1.DataSource, Me.DataGrid1.DataMember)
        Dim dr As DataRow = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row
            PolicyNumber = dr(1)
            TransCodeOrig = dr(2)
            TransEffDate = dr(3)
            ModifiedUID = dr(7)
            ' SqlDataAdapter1.Update(Me.DsTransOverride1, "dbo_stp_SelTransOverrides")
            Me.lbNumRec.Text = Me.DsTransOverride1.Tables(0).Rows.Count.ToString()
        Catch exError As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
Public Sub doDelete()
        '  MDI Main Delete record requ3est toolbar button pressed
        'if no records are displayed on the grid exist then exit
        Dim ConnectionString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("FinSolMainDBConn")
        Dim connfinsol As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
        Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("stp_DelTransOverride ", connfinsol)
        myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

        'Add Parameters
        ' 1 Policy Number
        myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Policy_Nbr", SqlDbType.VarChar, 7).Value = PolicyNumber

        ' 2 Original Tranaction Override
        myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Trans_CodeOrig", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6).Value = TransCodeOrig

        ' 3 Transaction Effective Date 
        myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Trans_Eff_Date", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8).Value = TransEffDate

        ' 8 Modified UID 
        myCommand.Parameters.Add("@ModifiedUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 48).Value = ModifiedUID

        'Open Connection
            'Open Connection
            MsgBox("Data Deleted Successfully !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Me.Text)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Me.Text)
            If myCommand.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub

I am not sure where to go, which DoDelete do go with.

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