
i think there is a problem with my code below....it insert the data more than 1 record (data redundancy) in the server database....i think there is a problem at the place i highlight with red....
can any1 assist me on this....

If Not Update_ServerPOS() Then
End If
Public Function Update_ServerPOS() As Boolean
        Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
        Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim strSQL As String = ""
        Dim strSQL1 As String = ""
        Dim connStr As String
        Dim dr As SqlDataReader
        Dim cmdSerialNo, cmdPayment As SqlCommand
        Dim strSerialNo As String = "1"
        Dim drSerialNo As SqlDataReader
        Dim cmdTmp As SqlCommand
        Dim strPosID As String
        Dim strLoc As String
        Dim dr3 As SqlDataReader
        Dim myCommand1 As SqlCommand
            Update_ServerPOS = False
            myConnection = GetConnect("REMOTE")
            If myConnection.State = 0 Then
            End If
            ' Get LatestTransactionNo from Parameter table
            ' Get SerialNo
            sSQL = "SELECT MAX(SerialNo) FROM PaymentDetails WHERE BoothID=" & _clsDBHelper.mQuotedStr(BoothNo)
            cmdSerialNo = POSconn.CreateCommand
            cmdSerialNo.CommandText = sSQL
            drSerialNo = cmdSerialNo.ExecuteReader
            If drSerialNo.HasRows Then
                ' Get SerialNo
                If Not drSerialNo.IsDBNull(0) Then ' old transaction exist
                    strSerialNo = drSerialNo(0) + 1
                Else ' new transaction
                    strSerialNo = 1
                End If
            End If
            CurrentTranxDateTime = Now
            CurrentTranxDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
            CurrentTranxTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")
            BoothNo = BoothNo
            StoreCity = StoreCity
            ostrTransactionNo = TransactionNo
            ostrSerialNo = strSerialNo
            oCurrentTranxDateTime = CurrentTranxDateTime
            oCurrentTranxDate = CurrentTranxDate
            oCurrentTranxTime = CurrentTranxTime
            oPOSTransCode = POSTransCode

            strSQL1 = "select POSID, BoothLocation from tblBoothMapping where BoothID = '" & BoothNo & "'"
            myCommand1 = New SqlCommand(strSQL1, myConnection)
            dr3 = myCommand1.ExecuteReader()
            If dr3.Read Then
                If Not dr3.IsDBNull(0) Then
                    strPosID = dr3("POSID")
                    strLoc = dr3("BoothLocation")
                    End If
            End If
strSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo.PaymentDetails ([BoothID],[BoothLocation],[TransactionNo],[SerialNo],[TransactionDateTime],[TransactionDate],[TransactionTime],[TransactionCode],[AgencyCode],[AgencyName],[AccountNo],[BillNo],[BillAmount],[PaidAmount],[Remark]) " _
& "VALUES ('" & strPosID & "','" & strLoc & "'," & TransactionNo & "," & strSerialNo & ",'" & CurrentTranxDateTime & "','" & CurrentTranxDate & "','" & CurrentTranxTime & "','" & POSTransCode & "','" & SESSION_AGENCY_CODE & "','" & SESSION_AGENCY_NAME & "','" & SESSION_AGENCY_ACCNO & "','" & SESSION_AGENCY_BILLNO & "','" & SESSION_AGENCY_BILLAMO & "','" & PaymentToPOS & "','" & BoothNo & strLoc & "')"
 '& "SELECT DISTINCT [BoothID],[BoothLocation]," _
 '& "[TransactionNo],[SerialNo],[TransactionDateTime], " _
 '& "[TransactionDate],[TransactionTime],[TransactionCode]," _
 '& "[AgencyCode],[AgencyName],[AccountNo],[BillNo]," _
 '& "[BillAmount], [PaidAmount], [Remark]" _
 '& "from dbo.PaymentDetails " _
'& "WHERE BoothID= '" & BoothNo & "' ORDER BY TransactionNo ASC"
myCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection)

If myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery > 0 Then
Update_ServerPOS = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
WriteToLogFile("modGeneral|Update_ServerPOS()| " & ex.Message)
End Try

    End Function

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use .executescalar

If mycommand.ExecuteScalar > 1 Then 
End If


its still the same even i modify the code...i think there is something wrong with my code....PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!!!!

If Not Update_ServerPOS() Then
      End If

if Update_ServerPOS()(remote server) is fail it should be able to update at Update_TempPOS()(local server)

.executescalar does not add same record...

What's with this??

If Not Update_ServerPOS() Then
End If
Dim ReturnValue As Integer
            ReturnValue = mycommand.executescalar

            If ReturnValue = 1 Then '  existing
                'your code
            ElseIf ReturnValue > 1 Then
                'your code
            End If


i have no idea how to modify your code....please modify it with my code and guide me where to modify...tq

instead of using this one

If myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery > 0 Then
Update_ServerPOS = True
End If

use this... i already encountered this problem...
i hope it will help you...

If mycommand.ExecuteScalar > 0 Then
         Update_ServerPOS = True
         End If

i'm stil getting the same error....it goes back to

If Not Update_ServerPOS() Then
      End If

and save again the record....what c an i do to avoid this

i do not know what's the alternative for it... i'll study your code... God bless u...

do you know on how to stop the code from save more than once in database..

Yeah,,, im using .ExecuteScalar instead of .ExecuteNonQuery... i really do not know what's the problem of .executeScalar in your code...

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