I been working on this little program that would allow the user to reference this custom playlist file. The playlist file is a simple text file with a list of music files on a URL:
Basically what the program would do is ask the user for the playlist file, then it would store that in a String and open the text file (which is stored on a URL) in a URL object. What I want to try and do is read a line of the URL file and pass that String onto an AudioInputStream object (or any stream that could be read, looped, and written to a sourceDataLine). Basically I can read a URL of a single file (whatever.wav) off an internet site but I cannot read in the custom playlist I'm going for. This is the loop I'm using for the audiostream:
audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audio); //(audio is the file I want to read in; however I cannot figure out how to read a line of a URL object to a String to actually file the audiovariable)
audioFormat = audioInputStream.getFormat();
DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = //Output line to hardware
new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,audioFormat);
System.out.println("Loading to Mixer DataLine");
sourceDataLine = (SourceDataLine)AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo);
int cnt;
while((cnt = audioInputStream.read(tempBuffer,0,tempBuffer.length)) != -1){
if(cnt > 0){
System.out.println("Writing Stream to Internal Buffer");
sourceDataLine.write(tempBuffer, 0, cnt);
So basically my question is does anyone know of a way for me to read a line of the playlist file (sort of like how Scanner works),which is stored online, and store that line as a String or URL object variable so I can play it?