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I have to write this applet for my CIT 130 class. I understand that you can not give solutions nor do I want you to do my homework for me I just need some pointers. The questions ask to "Write an applet that draws a house with it's door and windows open... Now when the user clicks on the door or windows they should close." I have been able to do this much:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 * To draw a house and when the user clicks on the door or windows they close.
 * @author Chris Darlak
 * @version 12/01/2005
public class HouseApplet extends JApplet
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private int x;

     * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that it
     * has been loaded into the system. It is always called before the first 
     * time that the start method is called.
    public void init()
        // Set the background color to white.

        // Add a mouse listener to this applet.
        addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener());
     * Paint method for applet.
     * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        // Call the superclass paint method.

        // Draw the house.
        g.drawRect(100, 100, 200, 100);

        // Draw the left window open.
        g.fillRect(120, 130, 40, 40);

        // Draw the right window open.
        g.fillRect(240, 130, 40, 40);

        // Draw the door open.
        g.fillRect(180, 130, 40, 70);

        // Draw the entire roof.
        g.drawLine(80, 100, 320, 100);
        g.drawLine(80, 100, 200, 40);
        g.drawLine(200, 40, 320, 100);

        // Draw the left window closed.
        g.fillRect(120, 130, 40, 40);
        g.drawRect(120, 130, 40, 40);
        g.drawLine(140, 130, 140, 170);
        g.drawLine(120, 150, 160, 150);

        // Draw the right window closed.
        g.fillRect(240, 130, 40, 40);
        g.drawRect(240, 130, 40, 40);
        g.drawLine(260, 130, 260, 170);
        g.drawLine(240, 150, 280, 150);

        // Draw the door closed.
        g.fillRect(180, 130, 40, 70);
        g.drawRect(180, 130, 40, 70);
        g.fillOval(210, 165, 07, 07);
    private class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
            // Repaint the window.

everythings lined up in my program just pasting it messed the indentation up. My question is above on the mouse adapter. I really do not understand how to make it replace the open windows and door with the closes ones when each is clicked. I currently have it painting the open version then painting right over with the closes and the mouse click is just set to repaint the whole house but I really have no clue on how to go about implementing a solution. The graphics are done I just need to program the mouse click to replace the windows and door plus you have to click in the area that the windows/door are in to change the picture so it has to have some kind of area restrictions. Also it would be able to keep opening and closing the door/windows every click. Should I use a loop or an array maybe both? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.

Did you ever figure out the solution to this? I am in the same boat as you and dont know where to go from here.

Chris, I just copied and pasted your class to Textpad and tried to compile it and it doesn't. It keep saying identifier expected and illegal character(2 errors) I am in CIT-130 now and trying to write house applet but have no clue how to do it.

Did you ever figure out the solution to this? I am in the same boat as you and dont know where to go from here.

Did you ever write this applet? Please help me out. :)

Member Avatar for cjd_1986

Did you ever figure out the solution to this? I am in the same boat as you and dont know where to go from here.

Yep a very long time ago.

Member Avatar for cjd_1986

Chris, I just copied and pasted your class to Textpad and tried to compile it and it doesn't. It keep saying identifier expected and illegal character(2 errors) I am in CIT-130 now and trying to write house applet but have no clue how to do it.

Should compile if your class' named the same and all. Did that proj 6 years ago lol.

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