hello everybody , good day , i just need to insert an image : "BosqueTK.jpg" in a speciale place in my window Tkinter using .place(x= , y= ) , for this i created a frame f2 placed like :

f2.place(x=130 , y=213)

, and want to insert in it the picture : "BosqueTK.jpg" , thank you very much , this is all my code :

#! /usr/bin/python
#-*- coding:Utf-8-*-

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

import Tkinter as tk 
import ttk
from Tkinter import * 
import Image 
import ImageTk 
import os 
def center(window):

    sw = window.winfo_screenwidth()
    sh = window.winfo_screenheight()
    rw = window.winfo_reqwidth()
    rh = window.winfo_reqheight()
    xc = (sw - rw) / 2
    yc = (sh -rh) / 2
    window.geometry("+%d+%d" % (xc, yc))

def affichimg(): 

fenetre.title('             Test Data')  

firstnamevar = StringVar()
lastnamevar = StringVar()
Phonevar = IntVar()

f1 = Frame(fenetre, bg="#290080",  width=500, height=500)
f1.pack( fill=X, expand=0)
f2 = Frame(fenetre, bg="white",  width=215, height=135)
f2.place(x=130 , y=213)

lab1 = Label(fenetre, text="Voila la table testtable de la base testbase" , bg = "#290080", fg = "white" )
lab1.place ( x=100 , y=15 )

lab2 = Label(fenetre, text="Prénom" , bg = "#290080", fg = "white" )
lab2.place ( x=30 , y=100 )
lab3 = Label(fenetre, text="Nom" , bg = "#290080", fg = "white" )
lab3.place ( x=30 , y=125)
lab4 = Label(fenetre, text="Phone" , bg = "#290080", fg = "white" )
lab4.place ( x=30 , y=150)
lab5 = Label(fenetre, text="Données : " , bg = "#290080", fg = "white" , anchor=W, justify=LEFT)
lab5.place ( x=30 , y=220)

lab6 = Label(fenetre, text="" , bg = "white", fg = "#290080" , anchor=W, justify=LEFT)
lab6.place ( x=130 , y=220)

lab7 = Label(fenetre, text="L'id selectioné est : " , bg = "#290080", fg = "white")
lab7.place ( x=450 , y=220)

listb=Listbox(fenetre, fg = "#290080", width = "10")
listb.place(x = 380, y = 215 )
listb.insert(END, "  Prénom  ")
listb.itemconfig(0, fg = "black")

# Les entrées

firstname_entry = ttk.Entry(fenetre, width=15, textvariable=firstnamevar)
firstname_entry.place (x = 100 , y = 100 )
lastname_entry = ttk.Entry(fenetre, width=15, textvariable=lastnamevar)
lastname_entry.place (x = 100 , y = 125 )
Phone_entry = ttk.Entry(fenetre, width=15, textvariable=Phonevar)
Phone_entry.place (x = 100 , y = 150 )

scrollbar = Scrollbar(fenetre)
scrollbar.place (x = 670 , y = 170)

# la creation de la TreeView 

tv = ttk.Treeview(fenetre,  show='headings',  height =3, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
tv.column("Id",width=80,anchor="center", stretch = True, minwidth = 50)
tv.column("col1",width=80,anchor="center", stretch = True, minwidth = 50)
tv.heading("col3",text="Phone number")

tv.place( x = 400 , y = 120)

effacer = Button(fenetre, text = "Effacer Tv" ) #, command = cleartv)
effacer.place( x=400, y=80 )
afficher = Button(fenetre, text = "Afficher", command = affichimg )#, command = afficher)
afficher.place( x=290, y=80 )
inserer = Button(fenetre, text = "Inserer")# , command = insere )
inserer.place( x=290, y=110 )
modifier = Button(fenetre, text = "Modifier" ) 
modifier.place( x=290, y=140 )
supprimer = Button(fenetre, text = "Supprimer" )#, command=lambda: on_click(None))
supprimer.place( x=290, y=170 )
Quitter = Button(fenetre, text = "Quitter" , command = fenetre.quit)
Quitter.place( x=200, y=350 )


Solved .

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