i have a combobox that binding to table , what i need is wneh i retured the data i dont want to duplicate entries
for example i have combobox with item BOQ Section and the item as the following "concrete , concrete, concrete , Utilities , utilities, concrete, AirCondiotioning ,utilities, concrete, AirCondiotioning"

i just need to retrun :"concrete , Utilities, AirConditoning"

how i can do this ????

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i am trying to do but it gives me the same result: 

 Public Function Find() As DataTable
        Dim sql As String = "SELECT DISTINCT BOQDetailEntry.BOQDetailEntryID, BOQDetailEntry.ProjectTenderingNO,  BOQDetailEntry.BOQSection, BOQDetailEntry.Part, BOQDetailEntry.BOQITEM, BOQDetailEntry.Description, BOQDetailEntry.Unit, BOQDetailEntry.BOQTY, BOQDetailEntry.ReferenceDrawing, BOQDetailEntry.ReferenceSpecifications FROM BOQDetailEntry WHERE 1=1 "
           Dim dt As New DataTable
           Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, Me.conn)
           If _BOQDetailEntryID<> 0 Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.BOQDetailEntryID = @BOQDetailEntryID"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@BOQDetailEntryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = _BOQDetailEntryID
           End If
           If _ProjectTenderingNO <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.ProjectTenderingNO Like @ProjectTenderingNO"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ProjectTenderingNO", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _ProjectTenderingNO & "%"
           End If
           If _BOQSection <> "" Then
            da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= "  AND BOQDetailEntry.BOQSection Like @BOQSection"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@BOQSection", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _BOQSection & "%"
           End If
           If _Part <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.Part Like @Part"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Part", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _Part & "%"
           End If
           If _BOQITEM <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.BOQITEM Like @BOQITEM"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@BOQITEM", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _BOQITEM & "%"
           End If
           If _Description <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.Description Like @Description"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _Description & "%"
           End If
           If _BOQTY <> 0 Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.BOQTY = @BOQTY"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@BOQTY", SqlDbType.money).Value = _BOQTY
           End If
           If _ReferenceDrawing <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.ReferenceDrawing Like @ReferenceDrawing"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ReferenceDrawing", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _ReferenceDrawing & "%"
           End If
           If _ReferenceSpecifications <> "" Then
               da.SelectCommand.CommandText &= " AND BOQDetailEntry.ReferenceSpecifications Like @ReferenceSpecifications"
               da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ReferenceSpecifications", SqlDbType.varchar).Value = _ReferenceSpecifications & "%"
           End If
       Catch ex As SqlException
           Me._Msg="Error Message"
           End Try
       End Try
       Return dt
   End Function

You use SELECT DISTINCT when retrieving one field only and the syntax is

SELECT DISTINCT(fieldname) FROM tablename
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