I can't find out how to complete • MIN_GROUP_SIZE x1 x2 .. xr
at the expected time comp'

Please help me i'm stack at this point for a week..
For the other function i had created a smart array with pointers.

do your own homework, don't just go whining that you're late starting and would someone please do it for you as it won't get you any sympathy.

do your own homework, don't just go whining that you're late starting and would someone please do it for you as it won't get you any sympathy.

well i have done it all...
just stack at one function that look unsolveable..

BTW - this forum suck- no help here and nobady is writing..
anyone here knows a good cs forum?

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>BTW - this forum suck- no help here and nobady is writing..
anyone here knows a good cs forum?


Have you tried the sun java forums or dev forums?

Piworld ™
[Tis simple as Pie]

If you think this forum is bad, then post in the sun.java forum! You'll get some delightful comments there.

The Sun forums are excellent, but even less friendly towards freeloading kids who want to gain a diploma over the heads of others and then claim to be software engineers without doing any real work, instead loading it onto the shoulders of the same people who were stupid enough to help them get that diploma.

As I said, do your own homework.
You're too lazy to even try to disguise it as a real problem, too lazy to even copy and paste your assignment...
Teachers should go back to handing out assignments on paper, that way you lazy kids would at least have to type them in.

If you think this forum is bad, then post in the sun.java forum! You'll get some delightful comments there.

Nice cat.
Yeah i will try java sun forum.
and i still think this forum is suck , there is no help here, and that is the whole idea of forum .
I didn't ask anyone to solve me my homework, just got stack at one question out of 7 and asked for help or clue.

I think that answer here takes O((n^n)!) :!:

The Sun forums are excellent, but even less friendly towards freeloading kids who want to gain a diploma over the heads of others and then claim to be software engineers without doing any real work, instead loading it onto the shoulders of the same people who were stupid enough to help them get that diploma.

As I said, do your own homework.
You're too lazy to even try to disguise it as a real problem, too lazy to even copy and paste your assignment...
Teachers should go back to handing out assignments on paper, that way you lazy kids would at least have to type them in.

Well i usally done my homework all by myself, but sometimes there is somthing i don't understand like most of the students..
Belive me that giving me a clue for the function that i didn't managed to solve will not give me the diploma...
the diploma at our university if from exam only the h.w is only for practice and 10% of the final grade.

I think that mybe u copyed and cheated to get a diploma and now you look at the h.w ihave got and thought that mybe this h.w looks very hard to solve for pepole like u.(because u copyed all the time instead of doing the job on your own).

The Sun forums are excellent, but even less friendly towards freeloading kids who want to gain a diploma over the heads of others and then claim to be software engineers without doing any real work, instead loading it onto the shoulders of the same people who were stupid enough to help them get that diploma.

That's exactly what I meant by delightful comments :cheesy:

just got stack at one question

Unless you're from the far south, its STUCK! You've written stack 3 times now, a little bit passed a simple typo!

As for help, we're willing to help anyone who's willing to try. Ok, so you did the other problems on your own, but where have you shown us you tried this problem? What specifically has you stack, errr stuck?

here's your stupid answer

min_workers = some super duper high number
When a worker leaves the factory, check the total number of workers currently in the factory.  If that total is less than min_workers, then min_workers equals that count. Wheneve you want to check the minimum number of workers who have been in the factory at one time, return this value.

As for the forum sucks comment, why are you posting here then?

Unless you're from the far south, its STUCK! You've written stack 3 times now, a little bit passed a simple typo!

As for help, we're willing to help anyone who's willing to try. Ok, so you did the other problems on your own, but where have you shown us you tried this problem? What specifically has you stack, errr stuck?

here's your stupid answer

min_workers = some super duper high number
When a worker leaves the factory, check the total number of workers currently in the factory.  If that total is less than min_workers, then min_workers equals that count. Wheneve you want to check the minimum number of workers who have been in the factory at one time, return this value.

As for the forum sucks comment, why are you posting here then?

Sorry for my bad english .
You realy think this is so simple?
Read again, u didn't understand the function.

Well i thought about queue that will save any in and out of workers starting from INIT and then constructe a trees (new tree after every out) from this queue and search for x1...xr at the trees, but this is out of the time limit.


Well, well.

If this forum is so suck, then there's not any reason to let this thread continue on any further.

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