Hello again, I am working on a homework problem and I am not able to get the accumulator to accumulate the tickets sales for each section.

My assignment is to create a basic program that will use loops. I need to have it ask for each day of the week how many tickets were sold in each category. Also I need it to accumulate the total were sold throughout the week within each category. I played around with what I have now and it seems to only accumulate what the last day is not each day. Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Also if you have any tips for a better way of coding it I am trying to learn as much as possible. (please understand this is a fundamentals class though :P )

def main():
    #Seat pricing per section
    classA = 15
    classB = 12
    classC = 9
    #Number of days
    week = 7

    #Loop to ask for and recieve user input for how many sold in each section
    for sales_week in range (week):

        totalA = 0
        totalB = 0
        totalC = 0

        print('For day', sales_week+1)
        ticketA = int(input('Enter the number of Class A seats were sold: '))
        ticketB = int(input('Enter the number of Class B seats were sold: '))
        ticketC = int(input('Enter the number of Class C seats were sold: '))
        totalA += ticketA
        totalB += ticketB
        totalC += ticketC

    seatsA(classA, totalA)
    seatsB(classB, totalB)
    seatsC(classC, totalC)

    grand_total = totalA + totalB + totalC

    print('The total of all seats sold is: ', grand_total)

#Fuctions to calculate the totals
def seatsA(price, seats):
    classA_Total = price * seats
    print('$', classA_Total, ' in Class A seats were sold.', sep='')

def seatsB(price, seats):
    classB_Total = price * seats
    print('$', classB_Total, ' in Class B seats were sold.', sep='')

def seatsC(price, seats):
    classC_Total = price * seats
    print('$', classC_Total, ' in Class C seats were sold.', sep='')


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All 4 Replies

What happens to total variables when for loop advances to next iteration?

Do I need to add a nested loop and have them within the inner loop?

Here is an example of how it should be done:

# initial value
total_sold = 0

for x in range(3):
    sold = int(input("Enter number of items sold: "))
    total_sold += sold
    print(total_sold)  # test

If you put the initial value in the loop, it would continually reset.

Ok so that did work when I took the initial total values out and put them before the loop. Can you explain why so I understand it fully.

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