smart_virus87 0 Newbie Poster


I'm going to send a byte to the .dll to retrieve machine information. Right now I'm using the string to pass the value to CBMReader and I able to retrieve the value.

Dim Devc as String
Dim CBMReader as String

For i = 0 To 50
    If tempDev = "" Then
        tempDev = "z"
        Devc = Devc & tempDev
    End If
Next i

CBMReader = Devc

status = CBM_EnumerateReader(CBMReader)
debug.print CBMReader

Result for CBMReader is MachineName. If i used this code to convert the string into byte, my vb6 forcely been close.

dim bytes() as byte

bytes = StrConv(Devc, vbFromUnicode)
status = CBM_EnumerateReader(bytes)

Anyone please help me here..