Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me, im wanting to when you click in a certain area it changes the background image


import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import*
import urllib
import base64
def click(event):

    if event.x > 100 and event.x < 430:
        if event.y > 100 and event.y < 450:
              #if inbetween here change background image
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('click to change image')
URL = "image1.gif"
a = urllib.urlopen(URL)
raw_input = a.read()
b = base64.encodestring(raw_input)
image = PhotoImage(data=b)
label = Label(image=image)
label.bind('<Button-1>', click)


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um... TOTALLY unrelated, but I think daniweb is so awesome my head could explode. 1a0eb100946fe5f622a3275d3e6e4caf

well maybe on line 9 you could say url = "FILENAME.EXT" where filename is the name and ext is the extention (DUR DEE DUR)

It doesnt update it though

Anyone else have any other ideas please?


well I have no idea what python even is really so Im in the dark i just did what javascript would do
maybe like a.update() or something

Oh ok thanks for the reply :)

There ar three basic ways to load and display an image with Tkinter:

1) from an image file you have, GIF is native any other file format needs PIL
see tk example in:

2) from a base64 encoded image string
pick an example from:

3) from a web page on the internet

You seem to mix those thing up. Stick with one way or the other.

Thank you very much, which is best do you think?

I would use this approach, use whatever .gif file you have, sorry this is from my iPad and it does not work well with DaniWeb commands:

display an image using Tkinter
for Python2
import Tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

image_file = "Vacation2013.gif"
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_file)

label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)
label.pack(padx=5, pady=5)


Using a base64 encoded GIF image string with Tkinter is very easy and usefull for smaller images. First you create the image string ...

''' Base64encGIF2.py
create a base64 image string
changes the bytes of an image file into printable char combinations
you can then copy and paste this string into your program

with Tkinter you can use the b64 data directly
photo = tk.PhotoImage(data=ladybug_gif_b64)
note Tkinter needs GIF format

with other GUI toolkits use decode with
ladybug_gif = base64.b64decode(ladybug_gif_b64)

Python2 syntax

import base64

# pick an image file you have in the working directory
# or give full path
img_file = "ladybug.gif"
b64 = base64.encodestring(open(img_file,"rb").read())
print("ladybug_gif_b64='''\\\n" + b64 + "'''")

""" highlight, copy and paste from here ...



Then you copy the string to your program ...

""" Base64encGIF_tk_show2.py
use a base64 encoded image file with Tkinter
tested with Python 2.7.5

import base64
import Tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()


photo = tk.PhotoImage(data=ladybug_gif_b64)

# put the image on a typical widget
label = tk.Button(root, image=photo)
label.pack(expand='yes', fill='both')

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