Can anyone pls refer any link to learn VB6 , bcoz im a beginners for vb6

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Can I ask why, since you are a beginner, you are choosing to learn VB6 rather than

hello everyone!
i am a student right now in BSIT so i need some way that can i learn well how to built a system just like for an instance a library system as a beginer because i need this when i'm in 3rd year because i am 2nd year regular right now!hope that there is although just only one that reply to me related in what i need!

In this thread you will find some info.

Hi Jim,
Bcoz i commited one project using vb6 in my office

can everyone help me by sending me nice URL that contain nice easy projet for vb6 with solutions because i want to learnt it and beside this i'm at the begining

Here's a good place to start.

Look up on the internet, Lou Tylee, VB6 for databases, has a great VB Library database project.

Lou Tylee has some very good resources, books etc. for learning VB6,, and VB database. You can find out more about Lou & VB by researching on the internet.

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