hi guys thanks for viewing and helping me out!!

here are the example what the things will looks like

Enter problems per set: 3    

Set #1
What is the maximum number for this set? 100    

45 + 21 = 66
0 + 100 = 100    
54 + 23 = 67

Set #2
What is the maximum number for this set? 90

59 - 19 = 40
19 - 84 = -29    
0 - 65 = -65

Set #3
What is the maximum number for this set? 20
0 * 18 = 0
15 * 4 = 398
8 * 17 = 873

and we must have fixed int main which is

int main()
    <you may add variable declarations here>

    doOneSet('+', probsPerSet);    
    doOneSet('-', probsPerSet);
    doOneSet('*', probsPerSet);

so far i tried my best with returning just fixed one value which i coded like this

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

void getProbsPerSet(int&); // let user choose how many time probs
void doOneSet(char, int); // do one set of each problem
void doOneProblem(int&); // ask user the answer
void checkAnswer(int, int); // compare the answer if it's right
void generateOperands(char&); // declare which calculation it needs
void CalculateCorrectAnswer(int, int, char, int&); // Find correct answer

int main() {
    int probsPerSet;

    doOneSet('+', probsPerSet);
    doOneSet('-', probsPerSet);
    doOneSet('*', probsPerSet);

    return 0;

void   getProbsPerSet(int &Many) {
    cout << "Enter problems per set: ";
    cin >> Many;

void doOneSet(char Function, int Many) {
    int i;

    if (Function == '+') {
        for (i = 0; i < Many; i++) {
            int First, Second, Answer, Final;
            First = rand() % 101;
            Second = rand() % 101;
            cout << First;
            cout << Second << " = ";
            CalculateCorrectAnswer(First, Second, Function, Final);
            checkAnswer(Answer, Final);
    if (Function == '-') {
        int set_b;
        for (i = 0; i < Many; i++) {
            int First, Second, Answer, Final;
            First = rand() % 101;
            Second = rand() % 101;
            cout << First;
            cout << Second << " = ";
            CalculateCorrectAnswer(First, Second, Function, Final);
            checkAnswer(Answer, Final);
    if (Function == '*') {
        for (i = 0; i < Many; i++) {
            int First, Second, Answer, Final;
            First = rand() % 101;
            Second = rand() % 101;
            cout << First;
            cout << Second << " = ";
            CalculateCorrectAnswer(First, Second, Function, Final);
            checkAnswer(Answer, Final);

void doOneProblem(int& Ans) {
    cin >> Ans;

void CalculateCorrectAnswer(int X, int Y, char F, int& A) {
    if (F == '+') {
        A = X + Y;
    if (F == '-') {
        A = X - Y;
    if (F == '*') {
        A = X * Y;

void checkAnswer(int Ans, int A) {
    if (Ans == A) {
        cout << "Correct" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "Incorrect" << endl;

void generateOperands(char& F) {
    cout << " " << F << " ";
}Inline Code Example Here


but i'm having issue with how can i return each time with other value of 'probsPerSet'?

please help me out!!!

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Solved !!!

Ok. Show work! At least the function 'probsPerSet' has an argument signature that you can mutate to get different return types, such as:
void probsPerSet(int& result); - your initial function.
void probsPerSet(double& result); - an alternative function.
The compiler will happily sort these out for you, so if you pass a variable of the correct type (int or double) to the function, the proper function will be called. How does it do this? With something called 'name mangling'.

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