what command to use if i want to use both "from:" & "To:" field
in same e-mail in Linux
mail() supports subject , not "from"
Sendmail() supports "from", not "subject"
what command to use if i want to use both "from:" & "To:" field
in same e-mail in Linux
mail() supports subject , not "from"
Sendmail() supports "from", not "subject"
sendmail does to include subject. You simply need to have a "Subject: ldsfgfdg" line in the text.
it's not working
i m using sendmail() command in Linux shell script
let me know if u can give me complete syntax of sendmail command with "sub:" field included
mailx -r '<from name>' -s '<subject here>' john@somewhere.com < message_text_file
Maybe this is just self-promotion, and then again, maybe it will help you. Here is a perl script I have written for sending mail with attachments as a command line utility for unix. It uses the GetOpt::STD, Net::Domain, and MIME::Base64 Modules, all of which should be in the standard Perl distribution. It sends a multipart mime message using sendmail (with a subject). It sets the From, To, CC, and BCC Addressees as well. You will almost definately need to change the top line to point to your perl command.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# #
# Name: maila #
# #
# Author: Martin L. Simons #
# #
# Usage: maila [-a <attach,...>] [-b <bcc,...>] [-c <cc,...>] #
# [-f <from>] [-h] [-t <text file>] [-T <Text string>] #
# [-r] [-s <subj>] [-p <path>] <Addressee> [<Addressee>] #
# Options: #
# -a comma seperated list of files to send as attachments. #
# -b comma seperated list of blind carbon copy recipients. #
# -c comma seperated list of carbon copy recipients. #
# -f full address for the "From:" line (Default: User@Host.Domain). #
# -h print this message. #
# -p Full path to sendmail command (Default: /usr/lib/sendmail). #
# -r set the official replier. #
# -s subject (Default: Mail from "From Addressee"). #
# -t name of file containing text for mail (without this or the -T #
# option the message will be typed until a "." by itself). #
# -T a text string to include as the body of the message (see -t). #
# Arguments: #
# <Addressee> The "To:" Addressees. #
# #
# Pupose: To eable the mailing of attachments from a unix machine. #
# #
# Exit Codes: #
# #
# 0 -- Everything was successful #
# 1 -- Invalid Options #
# 2 -- Both option -t and -T were provided #
# 3 -- No "To:" addressees provided #
# 4 -- sendmail not found or not executable #
# 5 -- sendmail error. #
# #
# #
# BEGIN subroutine #
# Arguments: None #
# Purpose: Set the script name and directory variables immediately #
# #
sub BEGIN {
use File::Basename;
$main::me = basename($0);
$main::libdir = dirname($0);
# use strict and lib and declare global variables.
use strict;
use lib "$main::libdir";
use vars qw($opt_a $opt_b $opt_c $opt_f $opt_h
$opt_p $opt_r $opt_s $opt_t $opt_T);
# include needed modules
use Getopt::Std;
use MIME::Base64;
use Net::Domain qw(hostname hostfqdn hostdomain);
require Sys::Hostname;
# set the path
$ENV{PATH} = $main::libdir . ":" . $ENV{PATH} .
# #
# usage subroutine #
# Arguments: Exit Code value #
# Purpose: Print the usage message and exit with given exit code. #
# #
sub usage ($) {
my $rc = shift;
my $sp = " " x length($main::me);
print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: $main::me [-a <attach,attach,...>] [-b <bcc,bcc,...>] [-c <cc,cc,...>]
$sp [-f <from>] [-h] [-t <text file>] [-T <Text string>]
$sp [-r] [-s <subject>] [-p <sendmail path>] <Addressee> [<Addressee>]
-a comma seperated list of files to send as attachments.
-b comma seperated list of blind carbon copy recipients.
-c comma seperated list of carbon copy recipients.
-f full address to appear on "From:" line (Default: User\@Host.Domain).
-h print this message.
-p Full path to sendmail command (Default: /usr/lib/sendmail).
-r set the official replier (must be previleged sendmail user or root).
-s subject (Default: Mail from "From Addressee").
-t name of file containing body text for mail (without this or the -T
option the body of the message will be typed until a "." by itself).
-T a text string to include as the body of the message (see -t).
<Addressee> The "To:" Addressees.
# Process Options
&usage(1) unless (getopts('a:b:c:f:hp:rs:t:T:'));
# check for -t -T
if ((defined($opt_t)) && (defined($opt_T))) {
print STDERR "Options <t> and <T> are mutually exclusive.\n";
# -h
&usage(0) if (defined($opt_h));
# check for "To:" Addressees
&usage(3) unless (scalar(@ARGV) > 0);
# Check sendmail
my $sendmail = ((defined($opt_p)) ? $opt_p : "/usr/lib/sendmail");
unless (-x $sendmail) {
print STDERR "Cannot find $sendmail.";
print STDERR " Try defining it with -p.\n" unless (defined($opt_p));
print STDERR " Check the entered path again.\n" if (defined($opt_p));
# create a search path from CDPATH,cdpath,PATH
my @dirs = ();
push(@dirs, split(/:/, $ENV{CDPATH})) if (defined($ENV{CDPATH}));
push(@dirs, split(/:/, $ENV{cdpath})) if (defined($ENV{cdpath}));
push(@dirs, split(/:/, $ENV{PATH}));
# Search for the provided file.
my @files = ();
if (defined($opt_a)) {
foreach my $file (split(/,/, $opt_a)) {
if (-f $file) {
push(@files, $file);
} else {
my $temp = $file;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
if ((defined($dir)) && (-f $dir . "/" . $file)) {
push(@files, $dir . "/" . $file);
$temp = $dir . "/" . $file;
print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot fine $file, skipping.\n"
if ($file eq $temp);
# Set the carbon copy lists.
my @bcc = split(/,/, $opt_b) if (defined($opt_b));
my @cc = split(/,/, $opt_c) if (defined($opt_c));
# Determine the from addressee
my $from = ((defined($opt_f)) ? $opt_f : undef);
unless (defined($from)) {
my $host = hostfqdn();
unless (defined($host)) {
$host = hostname();
my $domain = `domainname`;
if (defined($domain)) {
$host .= (($domain !~ m/^\s*$/) ? "." . $domain : "");
my $user = (getpwuid($<))[0];
unless (defined($user)) {
if (defined($ENV{USER})) {
$user = $ENV{USER};
} else {
$user = `who am i`;
$user = (split(/\s+/, $user))[0];
$from = $user . '@' . $host;
# Determine sendmail options and the subject.
my $opts = ((defined($opt_r)) ? qq[-t -r "$from"] : "-t ");
my $subj = ((defined($opt_s)) ? $opt_s : qq[Mail from $from]);
# Print a warning if the mail will be empty of text.
if (defined($opt_t)) {
if ((! -f $opt_t) || (-z $opt_t)) {
print STDERR "WARNING: $opt_t is empty or does not exist.";
print STDERR " Mail will contain no text.\n";
$opt_t = "User Entered Empty File";
# Execute sendmail
unless (open(MAIL, "| $sendmail $opts")) {
print STDERR "Could not execute $sendmail: $!\n";
# Print the addresses and subject
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "To: " . join(", ", @ARGV) . "\n";
print MAIL "Cc: " . join(", ", @cc) . "\n";
print MAIL "Bcc: " . join(", ", @bcc) . "\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n";
# Make it a multpart message if needed
if (scalar(@files) > 0) {
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; BOUNDARY=A_Mail_SCR_0\n\n";
print MAIL "--A_Mail_SCR_0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n";
} else {
print MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n";
# retreive mail text either "string", text file, or STDIN
if (defined($opt_T)) {
print MAIL "$opt_T\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
} elsif (defined($opt_t)) {
unless ($opt_t eq "User Entered Empty File") {
if (open(FILE, "<$opt_t")) {
my $orig = $/;
$/ = undef;
print MAIL <FILE>;
$/ = $orig;
print MAIL "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Could not open $opt_t.";
print STDERR " Mail will contain no text\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "\nNow enter your text body ending with a line containing\n";
print STDOUT qq[either a ".", "EOF", or "EOT" on a line by itself.\n\n];
while(<STDIN>) {
if (m/^(\.|EOF|EOT)$/) {
print MAIL $_, "\n";
print MAIL "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
# Add each attachment. Read file in 57 byte blocks to ensure 76 char
# base64 encode lines.
foreach my $file (@files) {
unless (open(FILE, $file)) {
print STDERR "Could not open $file: $!\n";
my $temp = `file $file`;
chomp $temp;
$temp =~ s/^\s*[^:]*:\s+//;
print MAIL "\n--A_Mail_SCR_0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name=", basename($file);
print MAIL "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\n";
print MAIL "Content-Description: ", basename($file), " (", $temp, ")\n\n";
my $read = "\0" x 57;
while (read(FILE, $read, 60*57)) {
print MAIL encode_base64($read);
# Inform user and exit.
print STDOUT "\nMail Sent.\n";
Set the variables as needed first, then:
cat <<!
From: $FROM
Subject: $SUBJ
To: $TO
[ "$CC" ] && echo "Cc: $CC"
cat $BODY ) | sendmail
A simple and easy way to send an email with attachment is through mutt command
its nicely illustrated here
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