ALAN 007 0 Newbie Poster

i have made most of my program but their are a few poblem areas the return product combo box doesnt work and i cant c y
and i have to print a receipt out but i dnt know how to add VAT info on der. i need total b4 VAT etc

Private Sub CmdPrintReceipt_Click()
'print a receipt for the current customer
Dim Index As Integer
Printer.Print "KINGSKANDY"; Tab(40); Format(Date, "LongDate")
For Index = 1 To NumberOfSales 'process each produc bought
If SoldProducts(Index) <> "" Then 'this element of array wil be
'empty if product has been returned
Printer.Print SoldProducts(Index); Tab(40); Format(SoldCosts(Index), "Currency")
'print product if it is in array
End If
Next Index
Printer.Print Tab(30); "Total"; Tab(40); Format(TotalCost, "Currency")
Printer.Print "Thank you for your custom"
Printer.EndDoc 'without this method receipt will not
'print until you close the program
End Sub

any help very grateful
email me on