Broken from here.

I Have quite the same probem . But I'm block at this point :

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
unsignedint uiStringSize = 0;
/* prototype fct encrypt */
void encrypt( char * );
/* prototype fct decrypt */
void decrypt( char * );
char i=0 ;
int main()
// string to encrypt
char string[] = "this is a secret";
uiStringSize= sizeof( string ); int
cout << "original string of character : " << string << endl; 
encrypt( string );
cout << "encrypt string is : " << string << endl;
decrypt( string );
cout << "decrypt string is : " << string << endl;
return 0;
void encrypt( char e[] )
/* Here I have to write the function that will encrypt each letter +1 */
for ( i=0; i= uiStringSize; i++) // not sure, miss something
void decrypt( char *ePtr )
/* decrypt fct */
for ( i=0; i= uiStringSize; i++) // ......
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