Hi. I have a bunch of Java codes I have done and I was wondering if there is a possible software or program to convert it into c++?

This is because I've done it in Java and now my lecturer wants it to be in c++
>< The concept is different and I have near-to-none experience in c++

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Hi. I have a bunch of Java codes I have done and I was wondering if there is a possible software or program to convert it into c++?

This is because I've done it in Java and now my lecturer wants it to be in c++
>< The concept is different and I have near-to-none experience in c++

In short, no.

lol... lazy bum, type it again!!!! :D

commented: Silly comments are not welcome on this forum +0

One reason for the "no" is that Java uses Java-specific resources.. Take the hundreds of importable classes, for example. Take swing, awt, net, etc, etc, and realize that all of these packages were written in Java and are available only to Java. Of course, almost anything you can do in Java, you can do in another language such as C++. However, the methodology and syntax is often different, especially when dealing with API calls, and data variables/structures/etc, pointers, keywords, and basically everything else. There are several minor language differences, and several major problem-solving differences. Basically, learn C++ and the APIs that go along with it, or write your program APIs from scratch following basic principals.. I'm sure another member can shed more light on the matter.

There are programs that can translate from one language to another, but they're imperfect.

They also cannot translate from programming paradigms in one language to those in another, which leaves you with very weird looking code that's a dead giveaway as having been generated by such a tool.

Almost always it's better to start from scratch.

Aaah..Darn! I was hoping I could.
Then uh..could any of you guys gimme a hand on changing some java coding to c++ ?
That's the main part of the code transformation I'm currently facing =_=

no, we're not going to do your homework for you.
You should have ascertained the requirements before you started hacking. As you didn't, you now have to face the consequences.

Firstly, No I did not ask you to do my homework for me. I was just asking if you could help me convert a function (small part of coding) into c++. As I have stated in the first post, I'm a newb.
Second, I clearly didn't see where I am hacking.
So please read and try to understand before shooting at me.

Yes, we can give you a hand. You'll find many members reluctant to throw in an arm with that deal unless you put in just as much. That said, post some code and explain what you've tried and how it's not working and we'll see how it goes...

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