Is anyone here uses subversion to keep the C++ header and implementation files to the repository? I need your help... Pls reply.. Thank you...

same answer we gave you last week. Join their mailing group and ask them your question.

you can't. Only version control system that can store C++ files is Visual SourceSafe.

<irony mode off>
read the documentation, get the Good Book, and away you go.

<irony mode off>

jwenting, I didn't see you turn on your irony mode. Does that mean all your posts before this were ironic? ;)

you can't. Only version control system that can store C++ files is Visual SourceSafe.

<irony mode off>
read the documentation, get the Good Book, and away you go.

Ok I bite. why is Visual SourceSafe the only version control system that can store c++ files ? :-/ I know for a fact there are others.

> jwenting, I didn't see you turn on your irony mode. Does that mean all your posts before this were ironic?

Yeah even I am surprised, JSP uses the XHTML like syntax which mandates an opening tag for each closing tag ... ;-)

mode got turned on before posting, might have been turned off at some point before that as well ;)

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