can you plz tell me how to use marquee in vb6

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u cannot directly use the available Marquee control, instead i will give the option to Create using StatusBar Control.
Place a Timer Control on the form and set its interval=500

Declare these Variables on top of form:
Dim MySlNo As Integer
Const Mystr As String = "THIS IS MY MARQUEE"
'this code in timer1_timer Event:
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    MyID = MyID + 1
    If MyID >= Len(Mystr) Then MyID = 0
    Status.Panels(1).text = Mid(Mystr, MyID)
End Sub


thanq vena..
can u tell me how to find a part of string using an sql..
Dim inp As String

inp = InputBox("Enter the Search Term")
exec ("select * from solution_database where search_term like '" + inp+ "' ")

i want to get the records whose search_trem contains the string "inp" which is a part of search_trem(a column in my table)

i'm not able to use inp*
can u plz tell me


if Access then:

exec ("select * from solution_database where search_term like '*" & inp & "*' ")


what is "Status.Panels(1).text " in the marquee reply

what is Status.Panels(1).


I TOLD U TO ADD A Status Bar to the form..
and Rename that to Status


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