hi! can u help me with my popup window? my goal is to display the window then inventories are in critical level. i made the form but im having a hard time showing it when in critical level. thanks!!

Do you mean like this...?

Do you mean like this...?

hi prozeen! uh... i think it covered the ordering part. but what i need is for example, we already have 5 computers, then my critical level for computers is 10. so i need 5 more computers ryt? when in my main menu (i named my mother form, mdiMain), i need a popup winodw that constantly checks the critical level of products. if its in critical level, it'll show, if not nothing happens. i tried Timer with this and tried to research about Timer's functions but still im pretty much lost. hehe. anyway, thanks!

Okay, how about this...?

Okay, how about this...?

hi again prozeen! i checked it out and it totally helped me a lot! thanks! but is there a way for the timer to call a check figures in a database?

i finally solved it! thankkkkkssssS!!!!

hi again prozeen! i checked it out and it totally helped me a lot! thanks! but is there a way for the timer to call a check figures in a database?


Write the database code as a function
make the timer on
Call the function
After loop
Make it Off

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