I am working on a project in which i have to use Classes and do multiple things with different sorts of data. The basic question i have though is this: what am i doing wrong here in terms of this class declaration etc...i get ton of errors and cant seem to find anything to help. Please let me know how i could fix this to work it .

Your help is always appreicated!

include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype> 
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class Employee
		char lastName[40];
 		char firstName[40];
 		char SSN[10];
 		double salary;
 		int years;
		Employee(char[], char[], char[], double, int);
		char* getlastName();
		char* getfirstName();
		char* getSSN;
		double getSalary;
		int getYears();
		void setName(char[], char[]);
		void setSSN(char[]);
		void setSalary(double);
		void setYearsEmployed(int);
		int getLeaveTime();
		void print();
	strcpy(lastName, "");
	strcpy(firstName, "");
	strcpy(SSN, "");
	salary = 0;
	years = 0;
Employee::Employee(char newLast[], char newFirst[], char newSSN[], double newSalary, int newYears)
	strcpy(lastName, newLast);
	strcpy(firstName, newFirst);
	strcpy(SSN, newSSN);
	salary = newSalary;	   
	years = newYears;
char* Employee::getlastName()
	return lastName;
char* Employee::getfirstName()
	return firstName;
char* Employee::getSSN()
	return SSN;
double Employee::getSalary()
	return salary;
int Employee::getYears()	 	 
	return years;
void Employee::print()
	cout << fixed << left;
	cout << "Name: "<< setw(15) << lastName; //prints lastname
	cout << "First: " << setw(15) << firstName; //prints firstname
	cout << "SSN: " << setw(15) << SSN << endl;	// prints ssn   
	cout << "Salary: $" << setw(12) << setprecision(2) << salary; // prints salary
	cout << "Years Employed: " << setw(15) << setprecision(2) << years << endl << endl;
void Employee::setName(char newFirst[], char newLast[])
	strcpy(lastName, newLast);
	strcpy(firstName, newFirst);
void Employee::setSSN(char newSSN[])
	strcpy(SSN, newSSN);
void Employee::setSalary(double newSalary)
	if (newSalary >= 0.0)
		salary = newSalary;
		salary = 0.0;
		cout << "Error, Salary is 0\n"; 
void Employee::setYearsEmployed(int newYearsEmployed)
	if (newYearsEmployed >= 0)
		years = newYearsEmployed;
		yearsEmployed = 0;
		cout << "Error, Years Employed is 0\n";
int Employee::getLeaveTime()
	leaveTime = 0;
	if (years >= 0 && years <= 6)
		leaveTime = years * 5;
		leaveTime = 30;
	return leaveTime;
#define ARSIZE 10 

int buildArray(Employee[]); 
void printArray(Employee[], int);

int main()
	Employee employeeArray[ARSIZE]; 
	int size;
	size = buildArray(employeeArray); 
	cout << "Step 1, Prints Array.";
	printArray(employeeArray, size); 
	cout << "Step 2, Changes first name.";
	printArray(employeeArray, size);
	cout << "Step 3, Changes both names.";
	printArray(employeeArray, size);

	cout << "Step 4, Changes ssn.";	 
	printArray(employeeArray, size);
	cout << "Step 5, Changes salary to invalid salary.";	
	printArray(employeeArray, size);
	cout << "Step 6, Changes salary to valid salary.";		
	printArray(employeeArray, size);

	cout << "Step 7, Changes years employed to invalid value.";	 	
	printArray(employeeArray, size);
	cout << "Step 8, Changes years employed to valid value.";	
	printArray(employeeArray, size);
	cout << "Step 9, Displays leave time for employee.";	
	return 0;
int buildArray(Employee employee[])
 	char lastName[], firstName[],  SSN[];
	double salary;
	int years;
	int count = 0;
 	Employee e;
	ifstream inFile;
 	ofstream outFile;
 	inFile.open("empinfo.txt"); //open employee info file
 	if (inFile.fail()) // if file doesn't open, an error message will pop up
     	cout << "Unable to open empinfo.txt file\n";
     	exit(1); //exits program
  	inFile >> lastName;
 	while (strcmp(lastName, "eof") != 0) //while the file opens, it adds up the count and places each exam count in the correct group
  		inFile >> firstName; //opens the employee's info from the file
  		inFile >> SSN;
  		inFile >> salary;
  		inFile >> years;
  		e = Employee(lastName, firstName, SSN, salary, years);
		employee[count] = e;
  		inFile >> lastName;

	return count;
void printArray(Employee ar[], int size)
 	int i;
 	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)

line 69: getSSN is not a function. Look it in the class declaration -- you forgot to add the () parentheses so all you have there is a pointer. Same with getSalary().

line 114: yearsEmployed does not exist. Check the spelling.

Now look at the remaining errors one at a time, then see if you can find what's wrong. After correcting it recompile to remove residual errors that were caused by the error you just corrected. With a little practice you will learn what those error messages mean and how to correct them.

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