hi every one,

i want to convert my usb flash to dongle flash, but i donot understand the way that the dongle is work or how did it develope its software i want any one to help me to understand how to programme my owne dongle and how does the dongle work please help me

Many Thanks,

Flash key, dongle, memory stick, usb key etc... are all the same thing

HI jbennet,

i know they are the same thing, i want to create my dongle , not to use one created , what i asked how can i create dongle porgrammatically and what requirements i need to create my dongle from my normal USB Flash

Many Thanks,

What is the intended purpose of this dongle? Verification? A token or something?

What is the intended purpose of this dongle? Verification? A token or something?

the purpose is verification i have a C# application i want to sal it to some body i do want not any one use it unless him only on his computer this is the purpose
if you can help me

You might want to look at a predeveloped solution for that. If you use a USB flash drive for that, and you have a token in the form of a file on that drive, then someone can take the file off of that drive, and copy it to another drive.

have you looked at some turnkey-style authentication solutions for your application? there are already a number of pre-existing solutions for this that you might want to consider looking at instead.

You might want to look at a predeveloped solution for that. If you use a USB flash drive for that, and you have a token in the form of a file on that drive, then someone can take the file off of that drive, and copy it to another drive.

have you looked at some turnkey-style authentication solutions for your application? there are already a number of pre-existing solutions for this that you might want to consider looking at instead.

what is that (turnkey-style authentication solutions) ? i don not know any thing about it, if you can help me in some links explain turnkey-style authentication solutions i will be thankful

another thing, do you mean if i convert my USB flash to dongle flash it will not be very good for security stuff -any one can copy it ?. is that mean the dongle flash hardware specially designed for dongles ?

the last thing i asked about, i want to know how dongles software was developed? how can i develope my special dongle software and what hardware and software requirements dongle is need to be developed?

thats my all wondering. if you can help me

Nice Thanks,

Fidaa Khader

Isn't there some way to make the newly converted flash drive secure other than saving files to it? Isn't there a unique serial number for the flash drive that our application can use? C'mon guys, there's got to be a way!

First, Retrieve the real hardware Serial Number of your USB key:

Now, choose a nice long encryption token for yourself. eg "p@$$wo0Ord^io%$"

Use the encryption token to create a resultant serial number from the hardware SN of your hard drive using any encryption algorithm you like.

Now, put the encrypted serial number on your usb key as a normal text file .lic or .ini or however you like.

Make your software read the license file, decrypt it and compare the result to the hardware serial number it reads from the USB key, if they are similar, then it should start.

PS. U can use a pair of public - private key for encryption - decryption, so that if someone reverse engineers your software, he still can not create a correct token for another key.

Ahmed Abdallah

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