I need some help here..
I am pretty new to doing ASP.net in C#..
and also pretty unfamiliar with javascript
Currently i am facing some problems which i hope you guys can help me in solving..
I have dynamically created a row of buttons.
for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
btnList1 = new Button();
btnList1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "reserveSeat(this, " + i.ToString() + ");");
btnList1.ID = (i.ToString());
btnList1.Text = i;
and now i wish to actually be able to change their color to blue and retrieve their ID to store into DB. All this i want it to be done onClick on the buttons. I tried trying out with JS.. haha but so far all i can do is to make a alert box.. haha
I hope someone can help me out here.