I have data I am displaying with a repeater in vs 2.0. Its just a very short record length but high volume data. The repeater displays it vertically but most of the screens real estate is left empty.

The challenge is how do I manupulate the repeater table tags to display verically and horizontally to fill the screen - a 1024 by 768 pixel screen and not just one direction.

Or is the repeater not the appropriate control to use?
I just wanted to display these data and not for them to be editable. Any ideas people?:sweat:

I have data I am displaying with a repeater in vs 2.0. Its just a very short record length but high volume data. The repeater displays it vertically but most of the screens real estate is left empty.

The challenge is how do I manupulate the repeater table tags to display verically and horizontally to fill the screen - a 1024 by 768 pixel screen and not just one direction.

i guess u can use datalist to achieve this functionality

i guess u can use datalist to achieve this functionality

Thank you greeny for your reply.
Yes I can also use datalist. The main challenge is that I want to display this short-record-length-high-volume data in a way as to fill my entire screen not just one direction only. In other words I want the data displayed in vertical and horizontal axis. comprende?:?:

Could you pleae post a sample on how exactly you want the information to look?...EXACTLY...this will alllow everyone to see what exactly you need the repeated data to look like

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