nmmughal 0 Newbie Poster


I have been USING Web Development from 4-5 Years. I saw Many ways and methods to Encrypt / Decrypt the querystring values and also apply them in my applications but these new techniques of showing querystring value like in

1- Code Project Website

[note: on every Hyperlink they put the Title of Link as brief file name and make them as link like this NET_Installer_With_SQLEXP.aspx]

2- FastTelCo Company

[note : Here you will see no serverside file extensions like .asp, .aspx, .jsp or .cfm ... They are converting Server Side files to .html or any one extension with same above codeproject concept of giving file the title name.]

3- Alamba Newspaper Kuwait

[here you will see no file name direct folder name and some variables as querstring.]

These above are some examples of showing or hiding Querystring data and send the querystring value in different way.

Just I want to know that how can we do the development like this way. Are there any tutorials, Softwares or some other technique to do such type of programming. Hope you will get my idea and also what I want?

I will appreciate any kind and helpful replies for above query.

THanks in advance.

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