Me again. I have searched google and found no good tutorials to help me.
I'm using "Glassfish v2", "Mysql v5" and "NetBeans 6.5 beta".
***I have to make a seach jsp page that searches by different parameters stuff from database - meaning from one parameter to several.
- Which methods and how should i do it? (I do not want code, i just need tips and howtos)
- Is there a easy way to do it in netbeans using java persitance unit?
- Are there any good tutorials or do you know any tips how to do it.
My second question is related to "clipboard" on jsp page.
I have to make the following thing:
1) i have 3 tables. Contract is the table that is related to Property with the "middle table" called ContractProperty. And i have to make a interface that allows user to mark certain properties from one contract and then move that mark stuff to another contract, using the table ContractProperty.
2) I have to "copy" one Property into a memory (clipboard) and then be able to use it on other forms. In the clipboard can have only one Property.
- Can you please tell me where should i start.
- Are there any good tutorials that i have not found.
- What should i know about things like that.
- Any good tips or hints.
- Is there javascript involved and if so how should i implement it. I'm using JSF techonology to make my jsp pages and i have controller/converter/class files.
- I have had almost the same thing done in php(not by me). Is it any way possible to modify that php+postgresql to work with jsp?
Can you atleast answer my question on the search form? It would be nice if you'd post some helpful tips and tricks.
I do NOT need you to make the code(some code snipets would be nice, but well... if you do not want to, then i do not mind), i just need some advice.