hi! im new here, just a newbie programmer, asking a newbie question.. ^_^

out.println("<td>" + "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"" + patientNum2.get(counterQueue) + "\" value=\"" + patientNum2.get(counterQueue) + "\" name=\"btnShowCaseList\" />" + "</td>");

how could i get the value of "id" from the jsp page to the servlet?, the only thing i know is getting the "value" which is request.getParameter(btnShowCaseList), is there a counterpart for getting the "id"? thanks in advance!!!

No. Only the name and value are submitted in a request. Not sure why you would want the id anyway. The id is usually only used to identify the control in javascript.

You should probably ask what you are trying to do. if you want to pass extra information create a hidden field and use that to store the patientNum2.get(counterQueue) value

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