I keep getting the following error:

<b>Notice</b>: Underfined variable: theHash in <b>C:\wamp\www\HelloSeanThisIsForYourMyFriend.php</b>on line<b>46</b><br/>

From file:

$theMD5 = md5("ayht" . $_POST["rn"] . "thy", 1);

$hexArr[0] = "0";
$hexArr[1] = "1";
$hexArr[2] = "2";
$hexArr[3] = "3";
$hexArr[4] = "4";
$hexArr[5] = "5";
$hexArr[6] = "6";
$hexArr[7] = "7";
$hexArr[8] = "8";
$hexArr[9] = "9";
$hexArr[10] = "A";
$hexArr[11] = "B";
$hexArr[12] = "C";
$hexArr[13] = "D";
$hexArr[14] = "E";
$hexArr[15] = "F";
	$tmp1 = ord($theMD5[$i]) / 16;
	$tmp2 = ord($theMD5[$i]) % 16;

	$theHash = $theHash. $hexArr[$tmp1] . $hexArr[$tmp2];

$theHash = strtolower($theHash);

echo $theHash;

Is there a simple fix to this please?

Set $theHash equal to empy before the for loop.
Also, I think you'll want to poulate $theHash like this:

	$tmp1 = ord($theMD5[$i]) / 16;
	$tmp2 = ord($theMD5[$i]) % 16;

	$theHash.= $hexArr[$tmp1] . $hexArr[$tmp2];
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