Can anyone help me i need to make it so that my customers can click a button and it will preform this mysql query *UPDATE Users SET groupid = 'P' WHERE userid = '$id';* and then re-direct them to a specific page.


//this is your main page

<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="submit">

//test.php code goes here

mysql_connect("your_server_name","your_user_name","your_password") or die("could not  connect to the database");
mysql_select_db("your_database_name") or die("database not exists");
mysql_query("UPDATE Users SET groupid = 'P' WHERE userid = '$id' ") or die("can not execute the query");

//im redirecting page to "example.htm"

this exaple shows that your query executes when you click on the submit buttons.if you want to pass data from main page to test.php you have to use aditional <input tags>.
ex: <input type="text" id="username" name="username"> then you can access to that data by using following syntax in test.php, $user = $_POST['username']; //connect db here mysql_query("UPDATE Users SET groupid = 'P' WHERE [U]username = '$user'[/U] ") or die("can not execute the query");

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