i have 4 input box of credit card number and 2 boxes of credit card expire date month and year and one for the card holder name i have some code but is it ok or i have to do some thing else


$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password") or die("error connect");

 $first_name = $_POST["fname"];

$len = strlen($first_name);

if ($len >0)
$card_number = $_POST["card_number1","card_number2","card_number3","card_number4"];
$expiry_date = $_POST["card_exp_mm","card_exp_yy"];

	$query = "INSERT INTO payment (name, number, expire) VALUES('$first_name', '$card_number', '$expiry_date')";
	mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(mysql_error());

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          <span class="style1">Convenience Stores</span></p>
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      <div class="style3" id="payment_box"> Make Payment<br />
        Card Details </div>
    <center><div id="payment_form">
      <div align="left">
        <p class="style3">Card Holder's Name: <input type="text" name="chname" /><br /><br />
          Card Number:             
          <INPUT name=card_number1 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number2 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number3 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number4 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<br />
          <br />
        Card Expiry Date:       <INPUT name=card_exp_mm size=2 maxlength=2> / <INPUT name=card_exp_yy
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$card_number = $_POST["card_number1"] . $_POST["card_number2"] . $_POST["card_number3"] . $_POST["card_number4"];
$expiry_date = $_POST["card_exp_mm"] . $_POST["card_exp_yy"];

thanx for the help no errors but data isn't sending to the table why?

even i have put in the action="index.html" so after sending this data it will return to the index

thanx for the help no errors but data isn't sending to the table why?

even i have put in the action="index.html" so after sending this data it will return to the index

$result = mysql_query(""INSERT INTO payment (name, number, expire) VALUES('$first_name', '$card_number', '$expiry_date')");

again no errors and data not sent to the table payment????


$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password") or die("error connect");

 $first_name = $_POST["fname"];

$len = strlen($first_name);

if ($len >0)

$card_number = $_POST["card_number1"] . $_POST["card_number2"] . $_POST["card_number3"] . $_POST["card_number4"];

$expiry_date = $_POST["card_exp_mm"] . $_POST["card_exp_yy"]; 

$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO payment (name, number, expire) VALUES('$first_name', '$card_number', '$expiry_date')"); 


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#payment_box {
	height: 40px;
	width: 150px;
	margin-top: 100px;
#payment_form {
	height: 150px;
	width: 400px;
	margin-top: 40px;
.style3 {
	font-size: 16px;
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      <p><br />
          <span class="style1">Convenience Stores</span></p>
      <p><br />
        Our cashiers take pride in having the items on the shelf ready for our travelers when they stop. We know many are in a hurry and we need to be &quot;fast&quot; to meet their busy schedules. Some of our returning customers enjoy fresh coffee and we have it ready for them. The joint effort of our managers and associates creates a strong &quot;team spirit&quot; that provides the customers what they are looking for as they travel.</p>
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    <form name="payment" action="index.html" method="post">

      <div class="style3" id="payment_box"> Make Payment<br />
        Card Details </div>
    <center><div id="payment_form">
      <div align="left">
        <p class="style3">Card Holder's Name: <input type="text" name="chname" /><br /><br />
          Card Number:             
          <INPUT name=card_number1 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number2 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number3 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<INPUT name=card_number4 size=4 maxlength=4>&nbsp;<br />
          <br />
        Card Expiry Date:       <INPUT name=card_exp_mm size=2 maxlength=2> / <INPUT name=card_exp_yy
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its working now with some changes but still i havent understand this thing:-

If im putting this code on action="<?php echo $_SERVER; ?>" then its working sending data to mysql table

if im putting some link to this like action="index.php" its not working why????

any one have answer to this

why do you need

if ($len >0)


there are better ways of checking if it is empty. make sure that you are posting the data to itself though. you can just use the file name

why do you need

if ($len >0)


there are better ways of checking if it is empty. make sure that you are posting the data to itself though. you can just use the file name

ok then can u tell me any ideas?

if legth is 0 on input field it gives error?

why its working on it self and not in the other page


   echo "Empty first name!";
//or you can also do it this way
 echo "Empty first name!";

as for what you are trying to do. is that php code in the other page? i am lost when you say

why its working on it self and not in the other page

as far as i know this is one page and if you post the data on itself then it will process it. but if you post the data on another page you just have to make sure that, that code is in that page


   echo "Empty first name!";
//or you can also do it this way
 echo "Empty first name!";

as for what you are trying to do. is that php code in the other page? i am lost when you say

as far as i know this is one page and if you post the data on itself then it will process it. but if you post the data on another page you just have to make sure that, that code is in that page

thanx for the help i understand now.
but what should i do i want that if data send goto other page for further process i mean for more information i can give a hyper link below it will not look good.

i have seen many form if some one press the button it takes to the other page also it sends tha data?


   echo "Empty first name!";
//or you can also do it this way
 echo "Empty first name!";

as for what you are trying to do. is that php code in the other page? i am lost when you say

as far as i know this is one page and if you post the data on itself then it will process it. but if you post the data on another page you just have to make sure that, that code is in that page

thanx for the help i understand now.
but what should i do i want that if data send goto other page for further process i mean for more information i can give a hyper link below it will not look good.

i have seen many form if some one press the button it takes to the other page also it sends tha data?

i have seen many form if some one press the button it takes to the other page also it sends tha data?

well Yeah, php form processing is in the target page not the form page
and validation failure is something like
if !$post['variable'] {header ("location: $_SERVER['http_referer']"); }[code=php]if !$post {header ("location: $_SERVER"); }

thanx for the help guys its solved appreciate thanx to all posters.

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