i have a problem in running javascript code between jsp page..
lets below is my jsp body .

   <script language="javascript" >
   <% System.out.println("hello"); %>

in the above code there is no problem in running javascipt .. it gives hi alert easily but.. for below

   <script language="javascript" >
   <% System.out.println("hello"); %>
[B]   <jsp:forward page="page1.jsp" />[/B]

but if above i include any jsp forward page tag or sendRedirect function then this javascript does'nt run..
please help me
i m stuck with this problem..

thnx in advance

Do not use forward action. As we know the action forward sends the dynamic content of html of the page1.jsp to web-browser.

Use include action.

   <script language="javascript" >
   <% System.out.println("hello"); %>
   <jsp:include page="page1.jsp" />

very much thnx

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