Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2
SQL Server 2005 Standard
VS 2008

Hi everyone. I'm currently working on the following tutorial:, but I get an error adding a SQL Server DB to the App_Data folder.
I right click App_Data, click Add New Item, SQL Server Database I get the following error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:
OK Help
I purposely didn't install SQL Server Express because I already had the standard edition installed.
Does anyone know how to configure VS to use SQL Server 2005 instead of SSE?

Can you please post your connection string?

SQL Server standard edition does not support 'User Instance' clause in the connection string which is only supported in SQL Server Express Edition.

Also do not attach *.mdffile to SQL Server database each time when your code is to connected.

Refer this link.

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