Hi all, it's my first post.
i'm using tomcat 6 and put under it website done by jasper .
this website contain xml.html ang jsp pages .the jsp pages needed to be encrypted, i try using ant but i'm fail may be i don't use it right.
could you please help me to find the right way
thank you.

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How are you using ANT to attempt this?

How are you using ANT to attempt this?

thank you for your reply, the steps i did is:

  1. install ant 1.7
  2. added system variable:

    • ANT_HOME = D:\apache-ant-1.7.1-bin\apache-ant-1.7.1
    • CATALINA_HOME = C:\Tomcat6.0\bin
    • JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_11
  3. added the following code in the website built page:


<target name="jspc"> 

             outputDir="${webapp.path}/WEB-INF/src" /> 


Having had a look at the documentation (found here) I'm not convinced you can encrypt a JSP.

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