Hi all. I am wondering how to handle e commerce payment on my creating web. It can't redirect to such as Paypal or moneybookers.com etc, payment should be start at my web form and finish on my web.
Can it be? How to make it?
It should accept international visa master cards :)
Please help me

Hi all. I am wondering how to handle e commerce payment on my creating web. It can't redirect to such as Paypal or moneybookers.com etc, payment should be start at my web form and finish on my web.
Can it be? How to make it?
It should accept international visa master cards :)
Please help me

Check Advance Integration Methods, In Paypal check Paypal checkout or paypal IPN, In Authorize check for AIM, they will give you the source even with detail description.

Hi there, thanks a lot for you answer, is AIM possible to start making payment on my web and finish it on my web without any redirection?

If not, how to make it? Is it possible ?

Hi there, thanks a lot for you answer, is AIM possible to start making payment on my web and finish it on my web without any redirection?

If not, how to make it? Is it possible ?

Yes, everything is finished at your site, but you need to design the form to collect the user details, After user filling all the details you need to submit that data to payment gateway. after submitting payment gateway will send status after submitting, you need to capture that status. Status like approve or fail transactions. Based on the retrieved status you need to show the message to the user.

Thanks a lot dude, u mean payment gateway by Authorize.net ?
It is here right ?
And what cards does it accept? Visa, master credit and debit

Thanks, I am start reading

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