Hi) I needed to make it possible for the user to upload many files from many directories of his pc to server. Here is the html and js code

<div id="addPhoto" >
Path and Title of the Photo.
<br /><br />
<input type="file" name="flImg0" />
<input type="text" name="txtTtl0" />
<input type="hidden" name="addN" value="0" />
<input type="button" value="Add another" name="btnAdd" onclick="AddMore();"/>


function AddMore()
var i = document.frmExhbt.addN.value;
addPhoto.innerHTML = addPhoto.innerHTML +"<br/><input type='file' name='flImg'+ i>";
addPhoto.innerHTML = addPhoto.innerHTML +" <input type='text' name='txtTtl'+ i>";

This works for making more text fields and fields for uploading files. BUT, but when i select first file to upload, and then the second..the first one seems to disappear. Although the same doesn't happen for textfields. Thanks for help.

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addPhoto.innerHTML = addPhoto.innerHTML +"<br/><input type='file' name='flImg'+ i>";

You need to insert the quote here <input type='file' name='flImg'" + i + "'>" This one may help you.

function AddMore()
var i = document.frmExhbt.addN.value;
var ele = document.getElementById('addPhoto');
var newFile = document.createElement('DIV');
newFile.innerHTML = '<input type="file" name="flImg' + i + '" />';
newFile.innerHTML += '<input type="text" name="txtTtl' + i + '" />';

Hope this help..!

addPhoto.innerHTML = addPhoto.innerHTML +"<br/><input type='file' name='flImg'+ i>";

You need to insert the quote here <input type='file' name='flImg'" + i + "'>" This one may help you.

function AddMore()
var i = document.frmExhbt.addN.value;
var ele = document.getElementById('addPhoto');
var newFile = document.createElement('DIV');
newFile.innerHTML = '<input type="file" name="flImg' + i + '" />';
newFile.innerHTML += '<input type="text" name="txtTtl' + i + '" />';

Hope this help..!

Well your notification is correct. It should be written that way..but that did not change the working way for file element. Thx for help anyway:)

The problem must be your PHP codes. Check your PHP codes or post here.

The problem must be your PHP codes. Check your PHP codes or post here.

) no, was not in php. Your code gave some help..instead of making new div element i simply needed to make new input element and append it on div) so thanks) solved)

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