i have joomla installed for my website. i get this error when i try to export something.

Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in /home/infunity/public_html/administrator/components/com_zoo/elements/repeatable/repeatable.php on line 52

how can i fix it?

First of all, even though Joomla is written in PHP, this isn't a Joomla forum. Second, if you want an answer, you need to provide enough info and show what you have done so far to investigate or fix it. You give no indication if this is a stock version of Joomla or if it has a bunch of add-ons and you didn't even include the release of Joomla that you are using. You didn't indicate if Joomla was ever working or what you did just before it stopped working.

It looks like this may be a joomla plug-in for unfinity. You have a better chance of getting help from a Joomla forum or from a forum for the specific add-on that may be giving you a problem

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