I have a strange problem. I have ascx control and I have only ListView in it. When I use generic method to fill this ListView with data I get Exceptiion - ListView is null. But when I use method without generics(with known parameter) everything is working fine(ListView is not null). Could you explain me why something like this is happening?

this works fine:

public void SetListViewDataSource(List<BaseBO> data)
        this.ListView.DataSource = data;

and this is not working:

public void SetListViewDataSource<T>(List<T> data) where T : BaseBO, new()
        this.ListView.DataSource = data;

I am using Model-View-Presenter pattern

The only reason I can think of without knowing what your BaseBO class looks like is that you do not have a constructor for that class which takes no parameters. The new() constraint requires that whatever type T is it must have a parameterless constructor.

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