ninjaimp 8 Junior Poster


I am trying to put together a content manegment system for a site.

I have created a number of 'Template Pages' for the layout each with different CSS.

All the different layouts will have the same content just laid out in different ways. So 4 pictures and text.

These templates are stored in a database as the html. then on the specific page, based on its template id it serves thenecessary record from the table - thus setting the content html.

My issue is that in my template HTML i am referencing <%#Bind("PicID")%> as the src for the images, but when the page is rendered it is just outputting the <%#Bind("PicID")%> text, i assume because it has already done the binding from the datasource and doesnt see it as a binding commmand.

I wondered if anybody had any suggestions on how to get around this - i have got it working using a javacript call on the onload event of the image but this doesnt seem very elegent!

Many thanks in advance.
