If you post a status update or share a link on facebook there is an option to tag your friends as being 'with you'. It's not the same as tagging them with @ symbols.

here is an example: http://www.facebook.com/karin.ohara....11246132363889

I'm trying to code this myself in php. It works for normal status updates. First I get the friend list and then try to add a 'with' parameter. Using chrome web developer tools didn't give much info as to how facebook does this. Doesn't work

        $result = HTTP_GET( "https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=$access_token", // full URL to query
                            USER_AGENT,                             // user-agent value
                            "",                                     // cookie storage and retrieval
                            "",                                     // proxy; type:ip:port[:user:pass]; supported types: http, socks5
                            true,                                   // return the data or not
                            false,                                  // include headers in the return data
                            "",                                     // set value for REFERER header
                            true);                                  // automatically follow "redirects" ("Location" header)

        $friend_list = json_decode($result);

        $friends = array();
        foreach($friend_list->data as $friend)
            array_push($friends, $friend->id);


        $with = array();

        for($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++)
            if($i < count($friends))
                array_push($with, array("tag_uid" => $friends[$i]));

        $fields = array('name'          => $status['title'],
                        'message'       => $status['message'],
                        'caption'       => $status['caption'],
                        'with' => json_encode($with)),
                        'description'   => $status['desc'],
                        'link'          => $url,
                        'picture'       => $status['img']);

        $result = HTTP_POST("https://graph.facebook.com/" . $account->id . "/feed?access_token=$access_token",  // full URL to query
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If you post a status update or share a link on facebook there is an option to tag your friends as being 'with you'. It's not the same as tagging them with @ symbols.

I don't think Facebook API doesn't currently support tagging in Status Updates. Meaning no tags

Read this


it will give you some options

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