Hello i have index.php file in root directory redirecting to a page.
It's working perfect on my localhost but not the webserver.
Also link to the root folder on the webserver lists files excluding the index.php
Please i need help with this

How are you redirecting it?

This way:


what error you got post your code and error type

the problem is when I type the url to the root folder of the website it shows a list of files in the folder and i dont want that so i placed this code in the index.php


Have you tried adding a space after the colon? If that does not work either, try a fully qualified URL.

Tried both but still not working.
However it works on my localhost and even the index.php file doesn't show up in the root directory on the webserver.


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So, you're saying that http://www.example.com/index.php (your domain of course) when entered into the browser address bar, fails to show?

So, you're saying that http://www.example.com/index.php (your domain of course) when entered into the browser address bar, fails to show?

yeah, it fails to show up.
And browser shows the error : The resource requested could not be found on this server!

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