How can I delete the bold object from a Mysql column?

0: {print_ref:289, art_work:, status:New Artwork, supplier:A+A Kumas, customer:New Look, department:915,…}
art_work: ""
colorway_description: "11"
colorway_version: "11"
customer: "New Look"
date_sent_to_supplier: "0000-00-00"
date_strike_off_received: "0000-00-00"
department: "915"
dud: "1"
fabric_base: "11"
fabric_notes: [{notes:admin, user:1}, {notes:admin, user:1}, {notes:andre, user:2}, {notes:andrew, user:2},…]
fullimage: "images/noimage64.jpg"
notes: "[**{"notes":"admin","user":"1"}**


How can I delete the bold object from a Mysql column?

file name del_notes
    $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
    $o = json_decode($data,1);
    $print_ref = $o['print_ref'];
    $notes = $o['notes'];//notes: "[**{"notes":"admin","user":"1"}**
    $index = $o['index'];//1
    $fabric=$o['fabric_notes'];//fabric_notes: [{notes:admin, user:1}, {notes:admin, user:1}, {notes:andre, user:2}, {notes:andrew, user:2},…]

$notes is an object withing a fabric_notes array.

I at the Mysql query.   
I am using PHPand Angular js
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