
I have a project where I have to retrieve a list of files and send each file to the database every 10 seconds. Want I was wanting to know is how I can access the files to be able to send them to the database. Can I store them in an array of some sort?

Any help is appreciated

How can you access depends on where will the files be.
If the files were in the same machine, or even in the same network, and the process running your website on IIS had permission to access the folder, it would be quite easy.
You can set a timer and just use new DirectoryInfo(folderPath).GetFiles().

But there's a problem, running timers on ASP.NET are usually for updating the interface.
I think the best option for cleaning folders or sending uploaded files is to have another sofware(could be WCF, Windows Form, Windows Service, WPF) that will do this as an parallel job.
A Windows Form folder watcher is quite easy to do and I'm certain there's lots of examples on google.

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