kaniths 0 Newbie Poster

hey frends..
i have to create a asp page with 2 select pulldowns(state,city),options to b displayed in the CITY depends on STATE choice.

the option list is to retrived from a db dynamically.

i have a table with fields--state,stateID,city,cityID.

here is the code snippet i have..


<script language=javascript >
var States = new Array();
var Cities = new Array();

function addState(state) {
    v = States.length;
   States.length ++;
   States[v] = state;
   v = Cities.length;
   Cities.length ++;
   Cities[state] = new Array();

function addCity(state,city) {
      v = Cities[state].length;
    Cities[state].length ++;
    Cities[state][v] = city;

function loadStateList() {
    var ctrlState = document.frmAddress.State;
    ctrlState.options.length = 0;
    for (i=0;i<States.length;i++) {
    ctrlState.options[i] = new Option(States[i],States[i]);

function loadCityList() {
    var ctrlState = document.frmAddress.State;
    var selState = ctrlState.options[ctrlState.selectedIndex].value;
    var ctrlCity = document.frmAddress.City;
    ctrlCity.options.length = 0;
    for (i=0;i<Cities[selState].length;i++) {
        ctrlCity.options[i] = new Option(Cities[selState][i]);

<body onload="loadStateList();loadCityList();">

' Open Database and setup a recordset with States Listed.
set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.open("driver={SQL Server};server=xxxxxxx;uid=xxxxxxx;pwd=xxxxxxx;database=xxxxxxx;network=dbmssocn")
strSQL = "Select State, city from tbAddress Order by State,city"
set rs = conn.execute(strSQL)

if rs.eof then
    response.write("No Addresses Found")
    set rs=nothing
end if

strState = ""
strCity = ""
do until rs.eof
    if not rs("State") = strState then
        response.write("<script>addState('" & rs("State") & "')</script>")
        response.write("<script>addCity('" & rs("State") & "','" & rs("City") & "')</script>")
        strState = rs("State")
        strCity = rs("City")
        if not rs("City") = strCity then
            response.write("<script>addCity('" & rs("State") & "','" & rs("City") & "')</script>")
            strCity = rs("City")
        end if
    end if
set rs=nothing

<form name="frmAddress" method="POST" action="">
            <td>STATE ID:</td>
            <td><input type=text hidden="true" name="text1" /></td>
            <td>CITY ID</td>
            <td><input type=text hidden="true" name="text2" /></td>
                <select size="1" name="State" onChange="loadCityList();">
                <select size="1" name="City">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="save" />
    <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="clear" />

:?:NOW..how can i modify the code,so that wen the option is selected in the STATE & CITY lists,simulteneously the stateID,cityID are filled in 2 hidden textboxes,Text1 & Text2..

kindly help..
