I am trying to install my website script on a midphase (www.midphase.com) hosting account.Midphase uses cpanel.I have done all the steps as directed by my webdesigners ( http://www.milliondollarscript.com/installation-tutorial.htm) up to step 4.However I am failing to proceed to step 5 because I cannot find the page (http://www.yourdomain.com/admin/install.php). My domain is www.onemillionsaints.com and typing (http://www.onemillionsaints.com/admin/install.php) shows me the HTTP 404 error page.Where am I going wrong?Where do I find the 'script's installation page'?

In order for you to do that, your folder


must contain a file called install.php, and you must have execution permission for that file.

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