Hello guys,

I am new in asp.net. I am developing a asp.net project using c#.It has a feature that allow user to upload their files . I want to use anti-virus as scan tool while a user upload his files
I also want to restrict user just to allow only pdf, excel ans doc files. please help me .............

For limiting the files, you could check to make sure that the extensions are within a certain list (e.g. .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx) and only upload ones that match. Note, this will only work based on extension, not actual data.

For the anti-virus, you might be able to tell it to scan the files as soon as they finish uploading. See if your AV has a command line interface you could execute.

Sorry, I don't know the details of how to implement either of these yet. The first one should be fairly easy to find on google though...

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